For the inevitable launch of our site community we need to come up with a mascot design to help us promote ourselves.
To the community, I'd like to ask you to share your ideas on what kind of mascot would best promote and represent and promote community.
They can be just about anything, lolis, chibis, robots, animals, ships, etc. Be creative and try you best at creating a new, original concept. It doesn't matter if you can draw or not, even a description is fine.
Please try to follow this format when proposing an mascot:
Name: (What is the name of your Mascot)
Description: (Description of the mascot, provide any background behind you character and/or why you chose to create them)
Charm Point: (What is the "trademarked" aspect of them that sets them apart? It can be a pose a catchphrase, an special action/attack pose, or something else all together)
(Anything else you wish to include. E.g., Hobbies, blood-type, extended family, favorite food, favorite anime/manga, whatever idols do, etc.)
The top voted mascot suggestion may be commissioned into a work for the our site launch.
Try to keep things safe for work and do your best for the future of our community!
I'm looking forward to what everyone has to offer!