I was pointed to this thread via a comment to my question What was text in final frame of Magi? . I agree that there are questions about the Japanese language which would add nothing to discussions of anime and/or manga. In the linked question, though, it concerns text overlayed into the image meant to be read by the audience, but was not translated. (I.e. it wasn't one of a dozen random shop signs the characters happen to walk by.) How can a question about it possibly be off topic?
If the text had been a separate layer, and could have been copied as text and pasted into Google Translate, perhaps I could understand why people might think I am too lazy to "do my own research". (Well, assuming Google Translate had half a clue in translating Japanese to English, anyway.) Even if there were a tool that could use OCR (optical character recognition) to pull Japanese text out of an image and translate it, the OCR would simply add another layer of potential error.
I guess the main thing I don't understand is why some are so quick to close. The question had been asked and answered before the first close vote was cast. The close-voters spend extra time on something they think should go away, and it will quickly fade away in any case. I spend extra time explaining myself on something which is transparently obvious. You spend extra time reading this post, thinking "Damn, another SE user b*tching. Why don't these guys just go away if they don't like it here?" 😉