Recently, a question cropped up that involves both topics, a real-life sweepstakes event that happened in the US, with any media related to it being essentially lost media.
This question will be very hard to answer due to the following reasons,
We cannot ascertain the accuracy of the details provided due to anything related to the event being lost media. The only valid sources of info are from past marketing staff, who may have left the company and are out of contact or don't remember much if they can even be contacted. The event likely happened over two to three decades ago.
Being a real-life event, such as a themed event, how on-topic would it have to be to be answerable? Questions about anime conventions and concerts might be on-topic, but where do we draw the line, if we even should?
Do we want to treat the aforementioned question as on-topic enough to be answered? Do we want to close it as being off-topic? Or do we want to migrate it to another community?
From here, I'd like to establish better guidelines for questions related to real-life events and how to handle lost media (as separate policies). Please leave your thoughts and suggestions as answers for them to be considered.