First of all, look at the revision history. The question was posted, then revision 3 fixed some grammar errors, and the question was closed. After that it was reopened and closed again. However, between the first closing, the reopening, and the second closing, no meaningful changes were made to the post. Really, none at all, just re-tagging. Finally, the question is now reopened after being rephrased and re-titled.
Why did this happen? No mystery at all. The original question title was How do you explain your friends that anime is different from cartoon?. Is it a good title for a QA site? Definitely not. It implies debate, because everyone has different friends and will use different ways to persuade them. In this form, there was no way to give a reasonable and fact-supported answer.
Now, at the last revision (rev. 7 at the moment), the title is What differentiates anime from regular cartoons?, and the question (after being rephrased) asks exactly this. The differences between anime and cartoons. Can it be answered now? Absolutely. There clearly are differences between anime and cartoons, otherwise there would have been no differentiation between them. So in this form, the question can be answered, thus it was reopened. The amount of votes for both the question and the answers also suggest that the community likes them.
Basically, this process is not unique: many questions start in a bad shape, get down-voted, closed, then edited and reopened (maybe multiply times). There's nothing wrong with it really, that is why the reopening feature is there: to give the opportunity to improve the question.