Thanks @JNat for the data, here are some graphs to visualize this information better.
- I'm going to refer to "Users whose first post was a (currently undeleted) identification-request question" as ID-Users during this post.
- Curve graphs are smoothed.
- I'm listing some observations too, hopefully being unbiased.
Id Requests are just over a quarter of all undeleted questions
How many of the ID-User's First Questions are deleted?
When Are ID-Users Accounts made?
Most Users accounts are created at the same time as the question is asked. Or at least, in the same day.
When do ID-Users visit after asking their question?
There's a big dip between 1hr and 24hrs. Do we have a split of ask-and-run users and users who genuinely care about their question?
The majority of users don't care enough to visit again, but there are also users who have revisited the site later.
A lot of users only ask one question, Some ask another, but less than 10% ask more than that. @JNat points a 20+ user that "has subsequently asked/answered the most questions has 77 answers and 5 questions".
ID_Users with the "Informed" badge
The tour page isn't being read by the majority of users. But as @JNat mentions: 8.3% of our total users have this badge and this isn't too far off this figure - so in general the tour page isn't being read.
Graph of the amount of ID Requests relative to other Questions (/10) over time:
Source (Shown by user @Hakase)
Graph of the percentage of questions that are ID Requests on the site over time